One of my favourite elementary results in group theory is Goursat's Lemma. This lemma characterises the subgroups of a direct product of groups in terms of fibred products.
Indeed, let $L$ and $R$ be groups and let $G < L \times R$ be a subgroup of their direct product. We have natural projections $\pi_L : L \times R \to L$ and $\pi_R: L \times R \to R$. We may assume without loss of generality that $\pi_L$ and $\pi_R$ are surjective when restricted to $G$. Let $L_0 = \pi_L(G \cap \ker\pi_R)$ and $R_0 = \pi_R(G \cap \ker\pi_L)$ denote, respectively, normal subgroups of $L$ and $R$. Goursat's Lemma is the observation that $G$ defines an isomorphism $L/L_0 \cong R/R_0$.
Proof: If $x \in L$, let $y \in R$ be such that $(x,y) \in G$. Such a $y$ exists because of surjectivity of $\pi_L : G \to L$, but it need not be unique. Nevertheless the coset $y R_0$ is well defined. This procedure then defines a homomorphism $L \to R/R_0$ whose kernel is precisely $L_0$ and which is surjective because $\pi_R : G \to R$ is.
If we let $\lambda: L/L_0 \to F$ and $\rho: R/R_0 \to F$ be isomorphisms to the same abstract group $F$, then we may identify $G$ with the fibred product $$ G = \lbrace (x,y) \in L \times R ~|~ \lambda(x L_0) = \rho(y R_0) \rbrace .$$
There are similar results for Lie subalgebras of a direct sum of Lie algebras, and probably also in other categories. This suggests the following categorical slogan:
"subobjects of a product are pullbacks"
(Well, at least subobjects with the property that the composition with the epis in the product are also epis.)
Of course, this is not going to be true in all categories, which prompts the following question.
Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category and $L,R$ be objects whose product $L \times R$ exists. Let $G \to L \times R$ be a monomorphism such that the compositions $G \to L \times R \to L$ and $G \to L \times R \to R$ are epimorphisms.
What must we demand of $\mathcal{C}$ so that there exist epimorphisms $L \to F$ and $R \to F$ such that $$\begin{matrix} G & \rightarrow & L \cr \downarrow & & \downarrow \cr R & \rightarrow & F \end{matrix} $$ is a pullback?
One would be tempted to call these categories Goursat categories, but alas the name seems to be taken already for what seems like a different concept.
Thanks in advance.