On page $180$ of Complex Geometry by Daniel Huybrecths, he defines the so called Atiyah class of a holomorphic vector bundle by the Čech cocycle $$A(E)=\{U_{ij}, \psi^{-1}_j \circ (\psi^{-1}_{ij}d\psi_{ij}) \circ \psi_j\},$$ where $\psi_i: E|_{U_i}\cong U_i \times \Bbb C^r$ is a local trivialization and $\psi_{ij}$ the transition functions.
He then goes on to prove Proposition $4.2.19$ which states that a holomorphic vector bundle $E$ admits a holomorphic connection if and only if $A(E)=0$.
In the proof of this proposition its being stated that local holomorphic connections on $U_i \times \Bbb C^r$ are of the form $\partial + A_i$. This sounds all good to me, but then he states that on $U_{ij}$ these glue if and only if $$\psi_i^{-1}\circ (d+A_i) \circ \psi_i = \psi_j^{-1}\circ (d+A_j) \circ \psi_j.$$
This is an equation that does not really make sense to me. I've been taught that these local connections glue if and only if they satisfy $$A_j=\psi_{ij}^{-1}d\psi_{ij}+\psi^{-1}_{ij}A_i\psi_{ij}$$ which makes sense as this is only matrix multiplication. Is there some identification going on with the first equation I should be aware of or how is this derived (I was not able to go from the latter to this)? I tried to ask this on math.stackexchange before, but did not get any replies so apologies if this is not an appropriate question for this site.