Let $F$ be a tempered distribution on $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $n \in \mathbb{N}$ be a fixed natural number. I wonder what exactly it means by
$\lvert F(x,y) \rvert \leq \lvert x-y \rvert^{-n}$ where $x,y \in \mathbb{R}$.
I run into such notations when dealing with a sequence of tempered distributions and their integral representation.
By definition, $F$ is a continuous linear functional on the Schwartz space $\mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}^2)$. So, I guess the above bound should be expressed in terms of Schwartz functions.
Could anyone please clarify for me?
Add : A reference context is this paper, with p.211 Eqn (6) in particular.
Add 2 : For those who down-voted it, could you please tell me what you don't like about this problem, for the sake of being constructive?