The web game Infinite Craft gives you a starting set of elements $V_0\subset V$ and a mapping $E$ of type $V\times V\rightarrow V$. In fact, $F$ is commutative: $E(v_a,v_b) = E(v_b,v_a)$. So another way to describe this structure is as a directed hypergraph on $V$ where every edge is of the form $(\{v_a,v_b\}, \{v_c\})$.
I'm looking for information on how to find "tersest routes" in this structure. However, our definition of "route" is different from the usual mathematical definition of a "path" in a hypergraph. Let a "route" in Infinite Craft be a sequence $v_{1..n}$ such that for each $i$, either $v_i\in V_0$ or else $v_i = E(v_g, v_h)$ for some $g,h < i$.
For example, one route from $V_0= \{\text{Earth},\text{Wind},\text{Fire},\text{Water}\}$ to $\text{Sandwich}$ is six steps:
Wave = Water + Wind
Steam = Fire + Water
Plant = Earth + Water
Sand = Earth + Wave
Tea = Plant + Steam
Sandwich = Sand + Tea
But the tersest route from $V_0= \{\text{Earth},\text{Wind},\text{Fire},\text{Water}\}$ to $\text{Sandwich}$ is only five steps:
Wave = Water + Wind
Sand = Earth + Wave
Glass = Fire + Sand
Wine = Glass + Water
Sandwich = Sand + Wine
That route involves $\text{Wine}$, and gets to $\text{Wine}$ in the fourth step. But the tersest route from $V_0= \{\text{Earth},\text{Wind},\text{Fire},\text{Water}\}$ to $\text{Wine}$ is only three steps:
Plant = Earth + Water
Dandelion = Plant + Wind
Wine = Dandelion + Water
which isn't a subset of the tersest route to $\text{Sandwich}$!
This seems to make it really computationally expensive to compute tersest routes from $V_0$ to $v_\text{target}$. I'm looking for resources on this structure — what is it called (besides being a very specific shape of "hypergraph")? Has it been studied before? What is the proper name for this sort of "route" (or perhaps "support"), which is different from an ordinary linear "path"? Surely something like this must have been studied before (perhaps in the context of job-scheduling theory)? Are there any route-finding algorithms analogous to Dijkstra's algorithm or A* on this kind of structure?