my question is simple. Let (R,m) be a commutative regular local noetherian ring. Is it true that for every prime p \in Spec(R), the factor ring R/p has maximal cohen-macaulay R/p-module?
Best Regards, David
If I remember correctly, certainly in the geometric case (that is $R$ is essentially of finite type over a field), Hochster proved the existence of Big Cohen-Macaulay modules. But the existence of finitely generated CM modules is open even in dimension three in the geometric case.
I think this is certainly true if $p$ is generated by a regular sequence. In this case, $R/p$ is regular, local and hence Cohen Macaulay. Hence, $R/p$ is a maximal Cohen Macaulay module over $R/Ann(R/p)$. But $Ann(R/p)=p$ since $p$ is prime. So, $R/p$ is a maximal Cohen Macaulay $R/p$-module.
Essentially, all you need is for $R/p$ to be Cohen Macaulay. But probably weaker conditions might suffice (Edit: Also, $R/p$ is Cohen Macaulay when $R$ is regular, local, iff $p$ has height $1$)
The question is similar to small Cohen-Macaulay module conjecture where we ask the same question over a complete local ring (which I believe is open)