A lax natural transformation $\alpha$ between two pseudofunctors $F,G: \mathcal{K} \to \mathcal{L}$ between bicategories $\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{L}$ consists of the following data:
- For every object $A \in \mathcal{K}$ a 1-cell $\alpha_A: FA \to GA$ in $\mathcal{L}$,
- For every 1-cell $f: A \to B$ in $\mathcal{K}$ a 2-cell $Gf \circ \alpha_A \Rightarrow \alpha_B \circ Ff$ in $\mathcal{L}$,
subject to axioms, see the references here.
Assume now that $\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{L}$ have one object. It is well known that they correspond to monoidal categories $M_{\mathcal{K}}$, $M_{\mathcal{L}}$ and that $F,G$ correspond to monoidal functors $\widetilde{F}, \widetilde{G}$. Under this correspondence, the data of $\alpha$ will consist of an object $A_\alpha$ in the monoidal category $M_\mathcal{L}$ together with a 1-cell for every object $X$ of $M_\mathcal{K}$:
$$\tilde{\alpha_X}: \widetilde{G} X \otimes A_\alpha \to A_\alpha \otimes \widetilde{F} X,$$ subject to axioms.
In case $A_\alpha$ is equal to the monoidal unit (this means that the original lax natural transformation is an icon), this becomes an ordinary monoidal natural transformation.
Now my question is: Does this structure have a name in monoidal category literature? Has it been studied?