This is based on numerical experiments in sage.
Let $K$ be a ring and define the ideal where each polynomial is of the form $(a_i x_i+b_i)(a_j x_j+b_j)$ for constant $a_i,b_i,a_j,b_j$.
Q1 Is it true that for constraints of this form the groebner basis is efficiently computable?
By "efficiently" we mean polynomial in the number of variables and wall clock time of seconds for say 100 variables and if we a add single constraint of other form the running time degrades.
For $K=\mathbb{F}_2$ this is equivalent to 2-SAT, which is efficiently solvable.
We believe that adding one more linear factor, $(a_k x_k+b_k)$ will be NP-complete.
Q2 Why adding the factor brings hardness?
I asked on the sage-devel mailing list and Dima Pasechnik solved it.
Adding a single linear equation break the efficiency, so this solution appear to show that incremental groebner basis might be large.