I am having a hard time studying Gateaux derivatives (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateaux_derivative), it seems that every author mentions the concept but only as a cliffhanger to study Fréchet derivatives. My questions are:
1 Is there a good reference on Calculus on Banach\Hilbert spaces that develops the theory using Gateaux derivatives?
2 A good reference on the existence of Taylor remainders theorem for Gateaux differentiable functions?
It is worth mentioning that I have seen many links, but none of them would really treat the subject (see: https://sites.stat.washington.edu/jaw/COURSES/580s/581/LECTNOTES/ch7c.pdf, https://people.tamu.edu/~f-narcowich//m642/m642_notes/F_G_derivatives.pdf, https://www.m-hikari.com/ams/ams-password-2008/ams-password17-20-2008/behmardiAMS17-20-2008.pdf). And that on Wikipedia they mention the Taylors remainder theorem but with no reference attached.
Also this link: Taylor expansion with remainder on locally convex spaces, refers to a paper that may contain the Taylors theorem using Gateaux derivatives but the hyperlink is not working so I can not know if it suits to me or not.