Let $X,Y$ be simplicial sets. A simplicial homotopy is a simplicial map of the form $h:X\times\Delta^1\rightarrow Y$. There are two distinguished maps $$ in_0:X\cong X\times\Delta^0\xrightarrow{1\times d^1}X\times\Delta^1\xleftarrow{1\times d^0}X\times\Delta^0\cong X:in_1 $$ which include in at the $0$ and $1$ vertices, respectively. Given simplicial maps $f,g:X\rightarrow Y$, say that $h$ is a homotopy from $f$ to $g$ and write $h:f\sim g$ if $f=h\circ in_0$ and $g=h\circ in_1$. This defines a reflexive relation on the set of simplicial maps $X\rightarrow Y$ which generally fails to be either symmetric or transitive.
To rectify this defect let $\simeq$ be the equivalence relation generated by $\sim$. Thus simplicial maps $f,g:X\rightarrow Y$ are related by $\simeq$ if there is a sequence $f_0,\dots,f_n:X\rightarrow Y$ such that $f=f_0$, $g=f_n$, and either $f_i\sim f_{i+1}$ or $f_{i+1}\sim f_i$ for each $i=0,1\dots,n-1$.
The relation $\sim$ is compatible with composition, so $\simeq$ defines a congruence on $sSet$. There is an associated quotient category $hsSet$ with hom sets $hsSet(X,Y)=sSet(X,Y)/\simeq$. Say that a simplicial map $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is a simplicial homotopy equivalence if it becomes an isomorphism when projected into $hsSet$, e.g., if there is $g:Y\rightarrow X$ such that $gf\simeq id_X$ and $fg\simeq id_Y$.
Every simplicial homotopy equivalence is a simplicial weak equivalence. On the other hand, simplicial weak equivalences between Kan complexes are simplicial homotopy equivalences. The full subcategory of $hsSet$ spanned by the Kan complexes is exactly the standard homotopy category of $sSet$ in its Quillen structure (up to equivalence).
The collection $$\mathcal{W}_{she}=\{\text{simplicial homotopy equivalences}\}$$ is a saturated class of weak equivalences in $sSet$.
Question: Is there a model structure on $sSet$ with weak equivalences $\mathcal{W}_{she}$?
I'm assuming that this is not true, but I'm looking for an easy (preferably elementary) proof of this.
P. Goerss, J. Jardine, Simplicial Homotopy Theory, Birkhäuser Verlag, (2009).