As no answer or comment to Can we construct close martingales if their terminal marginal laws are close? we consider a simplified version (discrete-time) as below:
Let $M=(M_k)_{0\le k\le n}$ be a real-valued martingale. Let $\mu := {\rm Law}(M_n)$ and $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$. For any $\nu$ satisfying $W_2(\mu,\nu)\le \varepsilon$, can we construct two discrete-time martingales $X, Y$ (on suitable probability space) such that
$${\rm Law}(X)={\rm Law}(M),\quad {\rm Law}(Y_n)=\nu,\quad \mathbb E\big[\sup_{0\le k\le n}|X_k-Y_k|^2\big]\le 8\varepsilon^2?$$
Here $\mu,\nu$ are assumed to have finite second order moment, and $W_2$ denotes the Wasserstein distance of order $2$.