I have found some number sequence $c_n = 1+b_n$ for $n \ge 0$, where $b_n = $ A307977(n). I am trying to solve the following recurrence relation for the prime counting function:
$$\forall n \ge 3: \pi(n) = \frac{1}{n-2} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \pi(k) c_{n-1-k}$$
in terms of the sequence $c_n$, where $\pi(n)=0$ for $n<2$ and $\pi(2)=1$. (I can prove that the recurrence formula holds, but I can not solve the recurrence formula for $\pi(n)$ on the left and $c_k$-s only on the right as suggested in the SageMath code:
Here is for $n \ge 3$ the sequence $(n-2)! \cdot \pi(n)$ computed with SageMath:
3 c_0
4 c_0^2 + c_1
5 c_0^3 + 3*c_0*c_1 + 2*c_2
6 c_0^4 + 6*c_0^2*c_1 + 3*c_1^2 + 8*c_0*c_2 + 6*c_3
7 c_0^5 + 10*c_0^3*c_1 + 15*c_0*c_1^2 + 20*c_0^2*c_2 + 20*c_1*c_2 + 30*c_0*c_3 + 24*c_4
8 c_0^6 + 15*c_0^4*c_1 + 45*c_0^2*c_1^2 + 40*c_0^3*c_2 + 15*c_1^3 + 120*c_0*c_1*c_2 + 90*c_0^2*c_3 + 40*c_2^2 + 90*c_1*c_3 + 144*c_0*c_4 + 120*c_5
9 c_0^7 + 21*c_0^5*c_1 + 105*c_0^3*c_1^2 + 70*c_0^4*c_2 + 105*c_0*c_1^3 + 420*c_0^2*c_1*c_2 + 210*c_0^3*c_3 + 210*c_1^2*c_2 + 280*c_0*c_2^2 + 630*c_0*c_1*c_3 + 504*c_0^2*c_4 + 420*c_2*c_3 + 504*c_1*c_4 + 840*c_0*c_5 + 720*c_6
Q1) Is it possible to give an explicit formula for $\pi(n)$ in terms of $c_k$ only?
Q2) Are there other known recursive formulas for the prime counting function in the literature?
(I tried to search for some of these coefficients in OEIS but I can not see the general pattern, if there is one, for all coefficients of these polynomials in the $c_n$.)
Thanks for your help!