For an integer $m>0$, put $X(m)=\{(n,k):4\leq 2k\leq n \text{ and } \binom{n}{k}=m\}$. Is there an efficient method to calculate $X(m)$? Is there a uniform upper bound for $|X(m)|$?
By calculating $\binom{n}{k}$ for $4\leq 2k\leq n\leq 1000$ I have found that $X(3003)\supseteq\{(14,6),(15,5),(78,2)\}$ and seven other cases where $|X(m)|>1$ but no more than that.
This question arose because I am running an online test for undergraduates in which the correct answer is a certain binomial coefficient. Frequently they enter a different binomial coefficient and it is useful for the marking logic to determine the corresponding pair $(n,k)$. In practice this can be done by searching through a fairly small plausible parameter space. However, the theoretical question seemed like it might be interesting.
One possible ingredient is the following fact which is quite well-known to algebraic topologists: if $p$ is prime and $v_p(n)$ is the $p$-adic valuation of $n$ and $\sigma_p(n)$ is the sum of the base $p$ digits of $n$, then $$ v_p\binom{n}{k} = \frac{\sigma_p(k)+\sigma_p(n-k)-\sigma_p(n)}{p-1} $$
[UPDATE: The comments give a good answer about upper bounds for $|X(m)|$; but I am still interested in an algorithm for a given $m$.]