Let $x_1,\dots,x_n$ be deterministic points in some space $X$ and consider a class of real-valued functions $\mathcal G$ on $X$. We further assume that for any $g \in \mathcal G$, $$ \Bigl(\frac1n \sum_{i=1}^n g(x_i)^2\Bigr)^{1/2} \le \rho. $$ (In the language of statistics, $\mathcal G$ is inside the ball of radius $\rho$ in the empirical $L^2$ norm defined by $\{x_i\}$.)
Let $w_1,\dots,w_n$ be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables and define $$ U_g := \frac1{\sqrt n} \sum_{i=1}^n w_i g(x_i), \quad Z := \sup_{g \in \mathcal G} U_g. $$ We are interested in proving concentration inequalities of the form $$ \mathbb P( Z - \mathbb E Z \ge \rho t) \le C \exp(- c t^2), \quad \text{for all}\; t \ge 0, \quad (*) $$ where $C, c > 0$ are absolute constants. This is true when $\{w_i\}$ are i.i.d. $N(0,1)$, since the map $(w_1,\dots,w_n) \mapsto Z$ is $\rho$-Lipschitz (w.r.t. $\ell_2$ norm) and such functions concentrate as above in the Gaussian setting. We want to relax the Gaussian assumption. Assume that:
- $\mathcal G$ is uniformly 1-bounded, i.e., $\|g\|_\infty \le 1$ for all $g \in \mathcal G$,
- $|w_i| \le 1$ almost surely for all $i$.
Question 1: Can we achieve an inequality like (*) in this case?
Some consideration: Using the bounded difference inequality we can have (*) but with $\rho t$ replaced with $t$ which is not good enough. On the other hand, it seems that Talagrand's empirical process inequality applied to the derived function class $\{(w, x) \mapsto w g(x):\; g \in \mathcal G\}$ can give a similar control but with sub-exponential tails $$ \mathbb P( Z - \mathbb E Z \ge \rho t) \le C \exp\bigr( - c \min\{t^2, \rho \sqrt n t\}\bigl), \quad \text{for all}\; t \ge 0. $$ This is close but not quite there. (EDIT: and apparently not correct.)