Let's consider the following argument: let $f$ be a function in $L^2(\mathbb R)$ such that $\hat f$ extends to an entire function on $\mathbb C.$ Assume that for each $t>0$ and $x \in \mathbb R$ $$ \int_0^t \hat f(k+is) e^{ix(k+is)} ds \to 0 $$ as $k \to \infty.$ Then $$ f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \hat f(k) e^{ikx} dk= \int_{-\infty}^\infty \hat f(k+is) e^{i(k+is)x} dk $$
for all $s.$
Now also assume that $|\hat f(z)|\leq g(\Re z) e^{\lambda |\Im z|}$ for some $g\in L^1(\mathbb R),\lambda.$ Then, we have the estimate $$ \left|\int_{-\infty}^\infty \hat f(k+is) e^{i(k+is)x} dk\right | \leq e^{(\lambda-|x|)|s|} \int_{-\infty}^\infty g(k) dk $$ This $\to 0$ as $s\to \infty$ if $|x|\geq \lambda.$ Hence $f$ is compactly supported in $[-\lambda, \lambda].$
Paley–Wiener theorem requires the stronger estimate $$ |\hat f(z)|\leq C(1+|z|)^{-N}e^{\lambda |\Im z|} $$ so that the above argument works. However, this seems way stronger than what we need to make it work. Can we weaken the condition?
For instance, a condition like $\hat f|_\mathbb R \in L^p(\mathbb R).$
Does anyone know any existing results of this kind?