
Here is J. Alper's definition of good moduli spaces. Definition of good moduli spaces

Consider in characteristic zero. Then we see that the classifying stack of any non-reductive group $H$ does not have a good moduli space. In particular the natural morphism $p:[*/H]\to *$ is not a good moduli space. This is because $p_*$ sends a $H$-representation $V$ to $V^H$, which is not right exact.

Good moduli spaces follow from good categorical quotients in GIT, where non-reductive groups do not play a role. However, there are actions with obvious nice quotients, for example the trivial action $H\curvearrowright *$ and the left multiplication $H\curvearrowright H$. One of them, $[*/H]$, does not have a good moduli space, and the other, $[H/H]$, does have one.

My questions are as follows.

  1. Do people define other terminologies so that $[*/H]\to*$ has a name?
  2. Why reductivity of stabilizers of (closed) points so desirable?


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