Let $M^3$ be a compact $3$-manifold with boundary $\partial M$.
If $M$ is orientable, then it is known (see Lemma 3.5 here) that $2\dim(\ker(H_1(\partial M,\mathbb{Q})\rightarrow H_1(M,\mathbb{Q})))=\dim(H_1(\partial M,\mathbb{Q}))$. This results is also known as "half lives, half dies principle", and in this setting it follows easily by considering the long exact sequence of the pair $(M,\partial M)$ and by using Poincaré-Lefschetz duality.
I would like to know whether an analogous result holds in the non-orientable case.
More precisely, suppose $M$ and $\partial M$ are both non-orientable (and for simplicity, assume both $M$ and $\partial M$ connected). I would like to say that if $b_1(\partial M;\mathbb{Q})=2h+1$ then $\dim(\ker(H_1(\partial M,\mathbb{Q})\longrightarrow H_1(M,\mathbb{Q})))=h$ (or at least $\geq h$).
If we consider the long exact sequence of the pair $(M,\partial M)$, it is not difficult to see that the statement above is equivalent to $b_2(M,\partial M;\mathbb{Q})\geq b_1(M;\mathbb{Q})-1$, or $b_2(M;\mathbb{Q})\leq b_1(M,\partial M;\mathbb{Q})$.
While I was not able to prove it nor to construct a counterexample, I think it is a reasonable statement essentially for 3 reasons:
- Even if it is not the case I am interested in, it is true if $M$ is non-orientable and $\partial M=\emptyset$, in the sense that $b_2(M;\mathbb{Q})=b_1(M;\mathbb{Q})-1$,
- It is true if $M$ is a non-orientable handlebody,
- If the condition is true for $(M,\partial M)$ and $(N,\partial N)$ then it is true also for $(M\natural N,\partial M\#\partial N)$.