I will give the definition of what I mean by reflection which is in Suzuki's group theory I.
Let $\Sigma $ be an apartment of a building that contains adjacent chambers $C$ and $C'$. Then there are foldings $\phi, \phi'$ of $\Sigma$ such that $\phi(C')=C$ and $\phi'(C)=C'$ and we have $\Sigma = \phi(\Sigma ) \cup \phi'(\Sigma) $ with $\phi(\Sigma)$ and $\phi'(\Sigma)$ having no chamber in common. We define
$$ \sigma (A)= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \phi(A) & \text{ if } A \in \phi(\Sigma) \\ \phi'(A) & \text{ if } A \in \phi'(\Sigma). \\ \end{array} \right. $$
This is an automorphism of $\Sigma$ of order 2.
This is called the reflection of $\Sigma$ with respect to the wall of $C$ and $C'$.
Then the Weyl group $W$ is defined as the group of automorphisms generated by these reflections. Let the generating set be $S$ so $W=\langle S \rangle$.
With this definition, I am having a hard time seeing why if we have any reflection $s \in S$ and any chamber $C \in \Sigma$, why are the chambers $C$ and $s(C)$ adjacent?