In Montgomery's "Ten Lectures on the Interface Between Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis" a bound for the Fourier coefficients of the Selberg polynomial $S^+_K$ is obtained by using what he calls Vaaler's lemma.
I am interested in obtaining a similar bound directly without using Vaaler's lemma (Montgomery states "We now require an estimate for $|\hat{S}_K^+(k)|$. Since $S_K^+(x)$ has been explicitly defined, one might argue directly, but ..." so it seems possible.) The reason being I want to bound the Fourier coefficients of something similar to Selberg polynomial (defined below) where I can not apply Vaaler's lemma as in the referenced book. So I wanted to understand how I can do this for Selberg polynomial first.
However, I am not getting anything close to the bound $$ |\hat{S}_K^+(k)| \leq \frac{1}{K+1} + \min (\beta - \alpha, \frac{1}{\pi |k|}) $$ so far.
I apologize this is a technical question, but if someone could get me started on this I would greatly appreciate it.
Definitions: Let $K$ be a positive integer. Vaaler's polynomial is defined $$ V_K(x) = \frac{1}{K+1}\sum_{k=1}^K\left(\frac{k}{K+1} - \frac12\right) \Delta_{K+1}\left(x - \frac{k}{K+1}\right) + \frac{1}{2 \pi (K+1)}\sin 2 \pi (K+1) x - \frac{1}{2 \pi} \Delta_{K+1}(x) \sin 2 \pi x, $$ where $$ \Delta_K(x) = \sum_{-K}^K \left(1 - \frac{|k|}{K}\right)e(kx) $$ is the Fejér kernel. Then the Selberg polynomial for the interval $[\alpha, \beta]$ is defined $$ S^+(x) = \beta - \alpha + B_K(x - \beta) + B_K( \alpha - x) $$ where $$ B_K (x) = V_K(x) + \frac{1}{2 (K+1)} \Delta_{K+1}(x). $$
PS my previous related question Showing Vaaler polynomial is a good approximation to saw tooth function was an attempt to do this...