For $f$, $g$ and $h$ cochains, the Hirsch formula is given as $$ (f\cup g)\cup_1 h=f\cup (g\cup_1 h)+(-1)^{q(r-1)}(f\cup_1 h)\cup g.$$ Is there a more general formula that relates the associativity of $\cup_2$ product with $\cup_1$ and $\cup$?
For example, is it known how to express $f\cup (g\cup_2 h)$ in terms of $(f\cup g)\cup_2 h$ plus some other terms or $f\cup_1 (g\cup_2 h)$ in terms of $(f\cup_1 g)\cup_2 h$ or something else that involves $\cup_2$, $\cup_1$ and $\cup$? If it is not known, what is a quick method to work this out?