One can, of course, think of $L^2(\Omega)$ as of a Hilbert space with a scalar product $E[\xi\eta]$. But for random variables much more important is the covariance $E[\xi\eta]-E[\xi]E[\eta]$. Though it looks at first sight as a scalar product, unfortunately it's not, as $\mathrm{cov}(\xi,\xi)=0$ doed not imply $\xi=0$. However, on the space of centered r.v.'s it is a scalar product. And this Hilbertian structure fully determines the laws in some cases, like a Gaussian case, as Shvai Covo already mentioned. And also this Hilbertian structure plays a very important role for (weakly) stationary processes (also noted by Shvai Covo).
Vector spaces of non-centered random variables are not so popular. One of applications which I think about is financial mathematics, though there you more often work with some cones rather than full vector spaces. Still, a lot of machinery is based (especially in discrete time) on some vector space techniques.