$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}\newcommand{\la}{\lambda}\newcommand{\si}{\sigma}$After some simple rewriting, we see that $\la_\si$ is the root $x=x_\si$ of the equation $G(\si,x)=0$, where
G(\si,x):=Ef(x+\si Z)[=\si\sqrt{2\pi}\,g_\si(x)\text{ if }\si>0]
and $Z$ is a standard normal random variable.
To ensure that $G(\si,x)$ or, equivalently, $g_\si(x)$ is finite for all real $x$ and all small enough $\si>0$, assume that
|f(x)|\le Ce^{Cx^2/2}
for some real $C>0$ and all real $x$. We will also require that $f$ does not vanish at $\pm\infty$, so that
f_a:=\inf\{|f(x)|\colon|x|\ge a\}>0
for each real $a>0$ and
|f'(x)|+|f''(x)|\le Ce^{Cx^2/2}
for the same real $C>0$ and all real $x$.
In view of your conditions on $f$, for each real $a>0$ and all real $x\ge a$ we have
G(\si,x)&\ge Ef(x+\si Z)1(Z>0)+Ef(x+\si Z)1(Z<-x/\si) \\
&\ge f_a/2-CEe^{Cx^2+C\si^2Z^2}1(Z<-x/\si)\to f_a/2>0
uniformly in real $x\ge a$ as $\si\downarrow0$. Similarly, for each real $a>0$ and all small enough $\si>0$ we have $G(\si,x)<0$ for all real $x\le-a$. Thus,
x_\si\to0\quad\text{as } \si\downarrow0.
Let $G_1(\si,x)$ and $G_2(\si,x)$ denote, respectively, the first and second partial derivatives of $G(\si,x)$ w.r.t. $\si$, so that
\text{$G_2(\si,x)=EZ^2f''(x+\si Z)\to f''(x)$ as $x\to0$ and $\si\downarrow0$.}
So, by Taylor's expansion, for some $c_\si$ between $0$ and $x_\si$,
0=G(\si,x_\si)&=G(0,x_\si)+G_1(0,x_\si)\si+G_2(c_\si,x_\si)\si^2/2 \\
&=f(x_\si)+0\,\si+(f''(0)+o(1))\si^2/2 \\
as $\si\downarrow0$.
as $\si\downarrow0$, provided that $f'(0)\ne0$.
Details on \eqref{10}: For each real $a>0$, $\si\in(0,\min(a,(4C)^{-1/2}))$, and real $x\ge a$,
G(\si,x)&=Ef(x+\si Z)1(x+\si Z>0)+Ef(x+\si Z)1(x+\si Z<0) \\
&\ge Ef(x+\si Z)1(Z>0)+Ef(x+\si Z)1(Z<-x/\si) \\
&\ge Ef(x)1(Z>0)-CEe^{C(x+\si Z)^2/2}1(Z<-x/\si) \\
&\ge f(x)P(Z>0)-CEe^{Cx^2+C\si^2Z^2}1(Z<-x/\si) \\
&\ge f_a/2-Ce^{Cx^2}\int_{-\infty}^{-x/\si}e^{(C\si^2-1/2)z^2}\,dz \\
&\ge f_a/2-Ce^{Cx^2}\int_{-\infty}^{-x/\si}e^{-z^2/4}\,dz \\
&\ge f_a/2-C\sqrt2\,e^{Cx^2}e^{-(x/\si)^2/4} \\
&\ge f_a/2-C\sqrt2\,e^{(C-1/(4\si^2))a^2} \underset{\si\downarrow0}\longrightarrow f_a/2>0.