Let $A$, $B$ be $n\times n$ unitary complex matrices, such that for all indices $i,j$ we have $|a_{ij}|=|b_{ij}|$. Does there then exist diagonal unitary matrices $D,D’$ such that $DAD’=B$?
This can also be phrased as, take a unitary matrix, and sprinkle norm one signs on all of its entries. If the resulting matrix is unitary, then your sign at $(i,j)$ is equal to $z_i\cdot w_j$ for some lists of norm one complex numbers $(z_i)_{i=1}^n$, $(w_j)_{j=1}^n$.
The unitary case implies the analogous result for orthogonal matrices, and the positivity here makes the problem feel much easier. I would also be interested in a proof for this orthogonal case.
I have checked this for some small $n$, and the orthogonal case has the feeling of a combinatorial problem on intersecting families of sets, but I wasn’t able to make precise this intuition.