
One-Counter Nets (OCNs) are finite-state machines equipped with an integer counter that cannot decrease below zero and cannot be explicitly tested for zero.

An OCN $A$ over alphabet $\sum$ accepts a word $w \in \sum^*$ from initial counter value $c\in\mathbb{N}$ if there is a run of $A$ on $w$ from an initial state to an accepting state in which the counter,starting from value $c$, does not become negative. Thus, for every counter value $c\in\mathbb{N}$ the OCN $A$ defines a language $L(A,c) \subseteq \sum^*$.

As is the case with many computational models, certain decision problems for deterministic OCNs (OCNs that admit a single legal transition for each state $q$ and letter $\sigma$), denoted DOCNs, are computationally easier than for nondeterministic OCNs.

A one-counter net (OCN) is a finite automaton whose transitions are labelled both by letters and by integer weights. Formally, an OCN is a tuple $A = \langle \sum, Q, s_0, \delta, F\rangle$ where $\sum$ is a finite alphabet, $Q$ is a finite set of states, $s_0 \in Q$ is the initial state, $\delta \subseteq Q × \sum × \mathbb{Z} × Q$ is the set of transitions, and $F \subseteq Q$ are the accepting states. We say that an OCN is deterministic if for every $s \in Q, \delta \in \sum,$ there is at most one transition $(s, \sigma, e, s′)$ for some $e ∈ \mathbb{Z}$ and $s′ \in Q$. For a transition $t = (s, \sigma, e, s′)\in \delta$ we define eff$(t) = e$ to be its (counter) effect.

A path in the OCN is a sequence $\pi= (s_1, \sigma_1, e_1, s_2)(s_2, \sigma_2, e_2, s_3)\dots(s_k, \sigma_k, e_k, s_{k+1})\delta^*.$

Such a path $\pi$ is a cycle if $s_1 = s_{k+1}$, and is a simple cycle if no other cycle is a proper infix of it. We say that the path $\pi$ reads the word $\sigma_1\sigma_2\dots\sigma_k \in \sum^∗.$

The effect of $\pi$ is eff$(\pi) =\Sigma_{i=1}^k e_i$, and its nadir, denoted nadir$(\pi)$, is the minimal effect of any prefix of $\pi$(note that the nadir is non-positive, since eff$(\epsilon) = 0)$. A configuration of an OCN is a pair $(s, v) \in Q × \mathbb{N}$ comprising a state and a non-negative integer. For a letter $\sigma \in \sum$ and configurations $(s, v),(s′, v′)$ we write $(s,v)\xrightarrow{\sigma}(s′, v′)$ if there exists $d\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $v′ = v + d$ and $(s, \sigma, d, s′)\in\delta$. A run of $A$ from initial counter $c$ on a word $w = \sigma_1\sigma_2\dots\sigma_k\in\sum^*$is a sequence of configurations $\rho = (q_0, v_0),(s_1, v_1)\dots(s_k, v_k)$ such that $v_0 = c$ and for every $1 \leq i \leq k$ it holds that $(s_{i−1}, v_{i−1})\xrightarrow{\sigma_i}(s_i, v_i)$. Since configurations may only have a non-negative counter, this enforces that the counter does not become negative.

My question:
Is the following problem decidable? (does there exist an algorithm that solves it for all instances)

  • Input: Given an $OCN$ $A$ and a $DOCN$ $D$,

  • Question: is $L(A,0)=L(D,0)$$?$


Shaull Almagor, Asaf Yeshurun Determinization of One-Counter Nets

Piotr Hofman, Patrick Totzke "Trace Inclusion for One-Counter Nets Revisited".

Piotr Hofman, Richard Mayr, Patrick Totzke "Decidability of Weak Simulation on One-counter Nets".

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ In the comments of the previous question, you linked to this paper by Almagor and Yeshurun which is precisely about this sort of questions, so I don't understand why you don't link it here. At the very least, you should imitate their style of writing the definition (and/or the one I had suggested in the previous question) because, once again, what you wrote is more examples than actual definition. $\endgroup$
    – Gro-Tsen
    Commented Jul 22, 2023 at 22:05
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Additionally, you ought to explain why theorem 6 in the aforementioned paper by Almagor and Yeshurun doesn't answer your question, because as far as I understand it you're asking exactly the question that their theorem 6 answers, so, again, I'm confused! $\endgroup$
    – Gro-Tsen
    Commented Jul 22, 2023 at 22:07
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Gro-Tsen "one-Deterministic Counter Net " Hyperlink is your intended pdf, I already given. And I am not asking theorem 6, I am asking equivalence between deterministic and non-deterministic OCN. I hope you understand me what I actually want from previous question, if you have any doubt regarding question, you are welcome to edit my question. In your previous answer only one mistake i.e. counter issue at every state should be 0 or above 0. $\endgroup$
    – Lionheart
    Commented Jul 23, 2023 at 0:59
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ What I just said is that I don't know and that I suspect that nobody knows. I can't give you ideas. $\endgroup$
    – Gro-Tsen
    Commented Jul 23, 2023 at 18:30
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ @AlokMaity This may be a language issue, but saying things like "give me ideas" comes across as quite demanding, and will almost certainly have the opposite effect. If you write a clear, mathematically precise question, then people will engage with your question if they have ideas to give. Otherwise, you may end up with comment chains of 40+ comments (like on your previous question), and having to expend that much time and patience to figure out what you mean (like @ Gro-Tsen has valiantly done!) is very dissuading to anyone who might be able to answer your question. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 23, 2023 at 20:44

1 Answer 1


The short answer is that as far as I'm aware, this question is open. It is however very close to ones that are settled. I provide some more detail below.

As you've correctly pointed out, the decidability status of decision problems relating to counter automata often depends on the presence of non-determinism, but also on the acceptance criterion. The initial counter value should not matter as long as it is fixed (you can always build another automaton in the same class that sets the initial value via some initial chain of states. This will change the language of the automaton but will not change the decidability status of most decision problems). I will assume below that the initial counter is $0$ always.

There are three natural ways to define accepting runs, and thus the language of the automaton:

  1. Trace semantics: A run is accepting if the effect of every prefix is greater equal to $0$. So you simply don't starve. Let's write $T(A)$ for the set of words in $\Sigma^*$ so that the automaton $A$ (with some fixed initial state) has some accepting run on them. This is the semantics your original is about.

  2. Coverability semantics: A run is accepting if it does not (starve as above) and ends in a "final" state. This is a designated subset of the control states, fixed as part of the automaton's definition. Let's write $C(A)$ for the resulting coverability language of $A$.

  3. Reachability semantics: A run is accepting if it satisfies 1), 2) and ends in counter value $0$. Let's write $R(A)$ for the corresponding language of $A$.

Let's consider the reachability semantics first.

Here, the language universality problem ($R(A) = \Sigma^*$?) is already undecidable ([0], theorem 10). Since you can easily build a deterministic finite automaton, and therefore OCN, with $\Sigma^*$, the undecidability of universality transfers to both inclusion and equivalence.

For the coverability and trace semantics,

universality remains decidable [1,2], yet inclusion is not [3]. In fact, [2,3] are written solely in terms of trace semantics but the argument for the upper bounds (decidability and complexity) in [2] works the same for coverability semantics, and the undecidability in [3] trivially transfers from the easier trace inclusion ($T(A)\subseteq T(B)$?) to coverability language inclusion ($C(A)\subseteq C(B)$?) by making all states final. The argument for the undecidability of trace inclusion also works if the system $A$ on the left is deterministic, but not if $B$ on the RHS is deterministic.

You can reduce inclusion to equivalence by a small trick: to check if $T(A)\subseteq T(B)$ you can equivalently check if $T(A') = T(B')$ for the modified automata where $A' \rightarrow A$, $A' \rightarrow B$ and $B'\rightarrow B$. (after one step, $B'$ continues as $B$ and $A'$ can continue either as $A$ or $B$). This will make $A'$ non-deterministic. It shows that trace (and thus cover) equivalence $T(A)=T(B)$ is undecidable for two non-deterministic OCN.

Your question

Trace equivalence ($T(A) = T(B)$?) between a OCN $A$ and a DOCN $B$, is open as fact as I'm aware. Notice that you cannot decide it by checking two-way inclusion because, as argued above, the inclusion $T(B)\subseteq T(A)$ is undecidable.

Remark 1: The inclusion $T(A)\subseteq T(B)$ is in fact decidable if $B$ is deterministic. This can be shown in several ways, for example by checking simulation preorder [4] (if the RHS is deterministic then language inclusion coincides with simulation). Alternatively, you can complement $B$ into a one-counter automaton $B'$ (that has explicit zero-testing transitions) then checking emptiness for $A\times B'$ via [5]. This will also work for a slightly larger class of "history-deterministic" automaton the RHS [6].

Remark 2: If you consider languages of infinite words, these are significantly more complex, both topologically and in terms of decision problems. The languages recognised by OCN accepting by infinitely often visiting final states, are not even Borel [7] and have and undecidable universality problem [8]. So in this case again, the equivalence of infinite trace languages is undecidable.

I hope this is useful; thanks for the very interesting question! Best wishes, P.

[0]: Petri nets and regular languages. Rüdiger Valk, Guy Vidal-Naquet https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-0000(81)90067-2

[1]: Petri Nets and Regular Processes Petr Jančar, Javier Esparza, Faron Moller; https://doi.org/10.1006/jcss.1999.1643

[2]: Trace inclusion for one-counter nets revisited Piotr Hofman, and Patrick Totzke https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2017.05.009

[3]: Decidability of Weak Simulation on One-Counter Nets. Piotr Hofman, Richard Mayr, and Patrick Totzke. http://doi.org/10.1109/LICS.2013.26

[4]: Simulation Over One-Counter Nets. Piotr Hofman, Sławomir Lasota, Richard Mayr, and Patrick Totzke (The paper appeared in LMCS, I cannot post more than 7 links apparently, sorry)

[5]: Reachability in Petri nets with inhibitor arcs. Klaus Reinhardt. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcs.2008.12.042

[6]: On History-Deterministic One-Counter Nets. Adityaf Prakash & K. S. Thejaswini https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-30829-1_11

[7]: Büchi VASS recognise w-languages that are $\Sigmaˆ1_1$-complete. Michal Skrzypczak. https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.09658

[8]: On Büchi One-Counter Automata. Böhm, Stanislav; Göller, Stefan; Halfon, Simon ;Hofman, Piotr https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2017/7019/


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