Assume that $T$ is a symmetric monoidal triangulated category, and $X$ is an object in it. Then the functors $X\otimes -$ and $-\otimes X: T\to T$ are not necessarily exact since they send distinguished triangles into triangles that are not necessarily "quite distinguished" (see, yes? Is there any nice way to "fix this problem" (which seems to be rather technical)? In particular, are all functors of this sort (canonically?) isomorphic to truly exact ones? Did anybody treat this question earlier; maybe, some terminology (for "nice" $X$ or "almost exact" functors) was introduced?
Moreover, I am also interested in external tensor products (actions) as well (cf. Does the homotopy category of finite spectra act on stable homotopy categories?). In particular, note that for a stable infinity category $T$ one can describe the shift functor $[1]_T$ as the external tensor product $S^1\otimes -$.
Upd. This was so stupid of me! It appears that one does not usually demand an exact functor to commute with shifts and respect distinguished triangles "strictly"; see Definition 2.1.1 in Neeman's "Triangulated categories". However, any comments on this matter would still be very welcome! Is $[1]$ always exact?