$\newcommand{\Si}{\Sigma}$We have to lower- and upper-bound
\Si_N:=\sum_{k=1}^N\,\binom Nk\, \frac1{k^s}.
Note that
\Si_N=2^N EX^{-s}\,1(X\ge1), \tag{10}\label{10}
where $X$ is a random variable with the binomial distribution with parameters $N,1/2$.
By Jensen's inequality applied to the convex function $[1,\infty)\ni x\mapsto x^{-s}$,
EX^{-s}\,1(X\ge1)=P(X\ge1)\,E(X^{-s}|X\ge1) \\
\ge P(X\ge1)\,(E(X|X\ge1))^{-s}. \tag{20}\label{20}
E(X|X\ge1)=\dfrac{EX\,1(X\ge1)}{P(X\ge1)}=\dfrac{EX}{P(X\ge1)}=\dfrac{N/2}{P(X\ge1)} \tag{30}\label{30}
and $P(X\ge1)=1-2^{-N}$. So, by \eqref{10}, \eqref{20}, and \eqref{30}, we get a lower bound on $\Si_N$:
\Si_N\ge L_N:=M_N\,(1-2^{-N})^{1+s}, \tag{33}\label{33}
M_N:=\frac{2^N}{(N/2)^s}. \tag{35}\label{35}
To get an upper bound on $\Si_N$, write
EX^{-s}\,1(X\ge1)=E_1+E_2, \tag{40}\label{40}
E_1:=EX^{-s}\,1(X\ge\tfrac N2\,(1-h)),\quad \\ E_2:=EX^{-s}\,1(1\le X<\tfrac N2\,(1-h)),
and $h\in(0,1-2/N]$. Next,
E_1\le(\tfrac N2\,(1-h))^{-s}. \tag{50}\label{50}
By Hoeffding's inequality,
E_2\le P(1\le X<\tfrac N2\,(1-h)) \\
\le \exp(-\tfrac2N\,(\tfrac{Nh}2)^2)=e^{-h^2 N/2}=N^{-c^2/2} \tag{60}\label{60}
if $h=c\sqrt{\frac{\ln N}N}\in(0,1-2/N]$. So, in view of \eqref{10}, \eqref{40}, \eqref{50}, \eqref{35}, and \eqref{60}, we get an upper bound on $\Si_N$:
\Si_N\le U_N:=M_N\,\Big[\Big(1-c\sqrt{\frac{\ln N}N}\,\Big)^{-s}
Fixing now any real $c>\sqrt{2s}$, letting $N\to\infty$, and looking at \eqref{33} and \eqref{70}, we see that $L_N\sim M_N\sim U_N$ and hence
\Si_N\sim L_N\sim U_N\sim M_N=\frac{2^N}{(N/2)^s}.
Thus, our lower and upper bounds $L_N$ and $U_N$ on $\Si_N$ are asymptotically exact for large $N$.