From [E]T.7.2.3 p. 484:
1] If a Normal topological space $X$ has a locally finite closed cover $(F_f)_{s\in S}$ and $dim F_s\leq n\ s\in S$ then $dim X \leq n$.
from the subspace theorem ([ED]p.216):
2] For any subspace $M$ of a strongly-hereditarily-normal space (in particular a metric space) $X$ we have $dim M \leq dim X$
In what follow assume that any open $\epsilon'$-ball ($\epsilon'\leq\epsilon$) B as $dim$-dimention $n$.
3] If $A\subset X$ contains a open $\epsilon'$-ball and is contained in a open $\epsilon'$-ball ($\epsilon',\epsilon''\leq \epsilon$) then $dim A=n$
PROOF: From [2].
4] There exist a locally finite covering of closed set $(F_s)_{s\in S}$ with $dim F_s\leq n$.
PROOF: COnsider the covering by all open $\epsilon/2$-balls, and let $(B_s)_{s\in S}$ a locally finite refinement ($X$ is paracompact), let $F_s:=Cl(B_s)$ then $(F_s)_{s\in S}$ is a locally finite refinement of the open $\epsilon$-balls covering. Then as in [3] follow that $dim F_s=n$.
Then from [1] and [4]: $dim(X)\leq n$ and from [2]: $n=dim B_\epsilon(x) \leq dim X$
[E]: Engelking, General Topology
[ED]: Engelking, Dimention theory