
Given $k \in \mathbb N$, we define $f_k: \mathbb N \longrightarrow \mathbb N$ by

$$ f_k(x) = \begin{cases} \,\quad\dfrac{x}2 &\text{ if } x \text{ is even} \\\\ \dfrac{3x+3^k}{2} & \text{ if } x \text{ is odd} \end{cases} $$

For $k=0$, we have the function of the infamous Collatz conjecture.

Does there exist for some $k\geq 0$ a strictly positive natural integer $N_k$ whose iterates under $f_k$ do not end up in the trivial cycle $\lbrace 3^k,2\cdot 3^k\rbrace$ of $f_k$?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This is essentially the usual collatz conjecture for rationals whose denominator is a power of three. I dont know the answer to this question, but I suggest checking out the references in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2023 at 11:18
  • $\begingroup$ At least the section about parity cycles seem to imply that the Collatz sequence for numbers whose denominator is a power of three either is unbounded or, if it becomes periodic, it always ends up in the trivial cycle above. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2023 at 11:25
  • $\begingroup$ EDIT: oops I missed that the denominator $2^n-3^m$ can be $\pm 1$. Are there only finitely many solutions for $m,n$ for this equation. If so, there should be only finitely many Collatz-cycles in the integers and the section in wikipedia should give a way to list them all. Maybe the 1,4,2 -cycle is the only positive one. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2023 at 11:39
  • $\begingroup$ Sorry even that is not true. Maybe the denominator is not $\pm 1$, but the numerator is divisible by it. Then we would still get an integral cycle and these are not covered by my previous comment. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2023 at 11:42
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @RodrigodeAzevedo No, the 2 is not a typo: $(3x+3^k)$ is always even for odd $x$, it is therefore natural to divide it by $2$ immediately. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2023 at 20:13

2 Answers 2


Maybe it is worth to write my comments into an answer:

  1. The question is equivalent to asking whether all elements of the form $n/3^k$ end up in the collatz cycle.
  2. It is still an open question whether there is an integer $n$ where the collatz iterates go to infinity
  3. It is still an open question whether there are other integral positive Collatz cycles
  4. Iterating with starting value $n/3^k$ for some $k$ and $n\neq 0$, we always end up with an integer after finitely many steps. Each $x\mapsto 3x+1$ decreases the exponent of $3$ in the denominator by one. So the question is equivalent to asking whether the conjectures 2,3 hold.
  • $\begingroup$ One can say a little more. All the positive elements of $\Bbb Z[\frac16]$ converge, and in fact one can write an inequality within the negative integers which weighs up the 2-adic and 3-adic values of any given dyadic/ternary rational and tells you whether or not its orbit is eventually positive. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 30, 2023 at 13:31
  • $\begingroup$ sorry but I have no idea how to extend the collatz iteration to rationals with denominator divisible by two. Can you explain what you mean by that ? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 30, 2023 at 16:52
  • $\begingroup$ Sorry a number of ways, all are essentially equivalent to "multiply by two until odd" but the broadest is the extension to $\Bbb Q_2$ you get if you consider the function $c(x)=3x+2^{\nu_2(x)}$ then let $c^n(x)$ indicate the nth composition. Then let $p(x):\Bbb Q_2\to\{0,1\}$ indicate $x\pmod2$. Then let $T(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty p(c^n(x))$. In this case $T$ is a 2-adic (isometric) homeomorphism and the Collatz conjecture asks if $T(\Bbb Z[\frac16]^+\setminus\{\frac13\})\subset \frac13\Bbb N$ $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 30, 2023 at 17:15
  • $\begingroup$ Sorry, that was wrong. It should have been $p(x)=2^{\nu_2(x)}$ then $T=\sum_{k=0}^\infty p(c^n(x))$ $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 30, 2023 at 17:29
  • $\begingroup$ I've answered a question in MSE where I show, that the iteration in question is exactly equivalent to the 3x+1 iteration, and that no cycles other than in 3x+1 iteration can occur. I could copy that answer here, or see at math.stackexchange.com/a/4728332/1714 The last two paragraphs focus the question here. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 6, 2023 at 7:53

commen: this is a copy of my MSE-answer which I linked to by the other comment. Because of the existent discussion in the comments here I thought today, it would be convenient to have it explicitely here. The explicite answer for the case here is then the last sentence after the whole derivation


Looking at the more general question for $3x+r$ might simplify the understanding as well for the the special case where $r=3$ or even $r=3^k$.

Preliminaries The Syracuse-notation for the Collatz-transformation might be written in this form for odd positive elements $a_k$ and positive integer parameters $A_k$ in the exponents: $$ T_{3,1}:= \qquad a_{k+1} = {3a_k+ 1\over 2^{A_k}} \tag {1.1} $$ Iterating this to $N$ steps can be written as $$ a_{k+N} = { 3^N \over 2^S } a_k + { 3^{N-1} + 3^{N-2} 2^{A_1} + 3^{N-3} 2^{A_1+A_2} + \cdots 2^{A_1 + ...+ A_{N-1} } \over 2^S} \tag {1.2} $$ where here (and always in the following) I denote $S = \sum_{k=1}^N A_k$.

I find it useful to introduce a notation for the long numerator in eq 1.2 : $$ \text{using } \qquad E_{N,S} = [A_1,A_2,...,A_k,...,A_N] \qquad \text{ then } \\ Q(E_{N,S}) = 3^{N-1} + 3^{N-2} 2^{A_1} + 3^{N-3} 2^{A_1+A_2} + \cdots 2^{A_1 + ... +A_{N-1} } \tag {1.3} $$ We have then the expression for an $N$-step iteration from some $a_1$ to $a_{N+1}$ in a much shorter form as $$ T_{3,1}^{\circ N}:= \qquad a_{1+N} = { 3^N \over 2^S } a_1 + { Q(E_{N,S}) \over 2^S} \tag {1.4} $$ and the expression for the first element $a_1$ in a cycle (when $a_1 = a_{N+1}$) of $N$ (odd) steps and $S$ divisions by $2$, with some exponent vector of $A_k$'s (use the symbol $E_{N,S}$ for its representation) by $$ a_1 = {Q(E_{N,S}) \over 2^S - 3^N } \tag {1.5} $$

Derivations Now for the generalization $r$ of the summand in eq 1.1 $$ T_{3,r}:= \qquad a_{k+1} = {3a_k+ r\over 2^{A_k}} \tag {2.1} $$ it comes out that the function $Q()$ is not affected by this generalization and only eq 1.4 changes minimally: $$ a_{1+N} = { 3^N \over 2^S } a_1 + {r \cdot Q(E_{N,S}) \over 2^S} \tag {2.4} $$ and as well for the cycle-formula: $$ a_1 = { r \cdot Q(E_{N,S}) \over 2^S - 3^N } \tag {2.5} $$

From eq 2.4 we see the equivalence of the $T_{3,r}()$-transformation with the original Syracuse if we replace the $a_k$ by $r \cdot b_k$. We get then $$ r \cdot b_{1+N} = { 3^N \over 2^S } r \cdot b_1 + {r \cdot Q(E_{N,S}) \over 2^S} \tag {3.1a} $$ and cancelling the factor $r$ we get $$ b_{1+N} = { 3^N \over 2^S } b_1 + { Q(E_{N,S}) \over 2^S} \tag {3.1b} $$ which is simply the Syracuse-formulation on the variables $b_k$. For instance for $a_1=15 = 3 \cdot 5$ we have with $r=3$ the obvious equivalence $$ T_{3,3}: 3\cdot 1 = {(3 \cdot 5) \cdot 3+3 \over 2^4 } \\ \sim T_{3,1}: 1 \cdot 1 = {(1 \cdot 5) \cdot 3+1 \over 2^4 } \tag {3.2a} $$ as well as after allowance of fractional values for the $T_{3,1}$-Syracuse transformation: $$ T_{3,3}: 3 = { 7\cdot 3+3 \over 2^3 } \\ \sim T_{3,1}: 1=(3/3) = {(7/3) \cdot 3+1 \over 2^3 } \tag {3.2b} $$

Aside of this instructive representation of equivalency between $T_{3,r}$ and $T_{3,1}$ there occurs here first time the problem of dealing with fractional values in the Collatz-problem. It is of course not a big problem to extend the domain for the Collatz-conjecture to fractional values, but once we allow fractional values in the $a_k$ then we shall as well introduce the possibilities of non-integer elements on cycles.

The Collatz-problem is then, more explicitely: "there is no cycle in integral values $a_k>0$ other than $a_k=1$" - but on fractional values cycles might occur!

We start at the cycle-equation eq 2.5: $$ a_1 = { r \cdot Q(E_{N,S}) \over 2^S - 3^N } \tag {4.1} $$ Let us assume, there are no non-trivial cycles for the Collatz-problem, operationalized by the $T_{3,1}$-definition eq 1.1 . Once allowing fractional values we can only say: no integer-valued cycles. It implies, that, given some $N$ and from this $S$, the primefactors in the denominator cannot all be cancelled by the function $Q(E_{N,S})$ in the numerator.
Let's see one example. Assume $N=3$ and $S=5$. Then for $T_{3,1}$ we get $$ a_1 = { 1 \cdot Q(E_{N,S}) \over 32 - 27 } = { Q([A_1,A_2,A_3]) \over 5 } \tag {4.2} $$ and no configuration $\small [A_1,A_2,A_3]$ with $\small A_1+A_2+A_3=S=5$ produces a primefactor $5$ in the numerator and so we stay with a fractional result for $a_1$.
But if we use $r=5$ and thus the transformation $T_{3,5}$ we get $$ a_1 = { 5 \cdot Q(E_{N,S}) \over 32 - 27 } = { 5 \cdot Q([A_1,A_2,A_3]) \over 5 } = Q([A_1,A_2,A_3]) \tag {4.3} $$ and the following solutions are all integral in $a_k$: $$ a_1=Q([1,1,3]) \qquad a_2=Q([1,3,1]) \qquad a_3=Q([3,1,1]) \\ a_1=Q([1,2,2] \qquad a_2=Q([2,2,1]) \qquad a_3=Q([2,1,2]) \tag {4.4} $$ where we have two solutions for $a_1$, each with 3 needed rotations each.

Another example: for the 5-odd-step-cycle $N=5$ from where $S=8$ we have in the denominator $2^8 - 3^5=13$ and thus $r=13$ allows one or more cycles.
By the possible combinations of the exponents $A_k$ (resp. rotations) we find a couple of cycles already mentioned elsewhere in MSE $$\small \begin{array} {llll} a_1=Q([1,1,1,1,4]) & a_2=Q([1,1,1,4,1]) & a_3=Q([1,1,4,1,1]) & \ldots \phantom{\vdots} \\ a_1=Q([1,1,1,2,3]) & a_2=Q([1,1,2,3,1]) & a_3=Q([1,2,3,1,1]) & \ldots \phantom{\vdots} \\ a_1=Q([1,1,2,2,2]) & a_2=Q([1,2,2,2,1]) & a_3=Q([2,2,2,1,1]) & \ldots \phantom{\vdots} \\ a_1 = \; \vdots & a_2 = \; \vdots & a_3 = \; \vdots & \ldots \\ \end{array} \tag {4.5} $$ (giving $7$ cycles (and their rotations) all with $(N,S)=(5,8)$ )

From this we have now a simple recipe to find some $r$ which allows integer cycles for any $N$ (and its according $S$ where $S=\small \lceil N \cdot \log_2(3) \rceil$) : simply use some $r$ which cancels the primefactors in the denominator $\small 2^S-3^N$ by the factors of $r \cdot \small Q(E_{N,S})$.

This last consideration implies as well one more property: since in the denominator there will never occur a primefactor $3$ no $r=3^k$ can have any effect on the cancelling property and any $r=3^k$ shall have no more nontrivial cycles than the original Collatz-transformation $T_{3,1}$ (thus as far as we know: no nontrivial cycles at all).


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