We consider the set $\mathcal{PC}([-r,0],X)$
$$\mathcal{PC}([-r,0],X):=\{\varphi:[-r, 0] \rightarrow X: \varphi \text{ is continuous everywhere except for a finite number of points } t_* \text{ such that } \varphi\left(t_*^{-}\right) \text{ and } \varphi\left(t_*^{+}\right) \text{ exist and } \varphi\left(t_*\right)=\varphi\left(t_*^{-}\right) \}$$
equipped with the following norm $$\|\varphi\|=\displaystyle\int_{-r}^{0}\|\varphi(\theta)\|d\theta. $$ We consider a space $\mathcal{B}_{g}$ as $$ \mathcal{B}_{g}:=\left\{\varphi:(-\infty, 0] \rightarrow X:\left.\varphi\right|_{[-r, 0]} \in \mathcal{PC}([-r,0],X) \text { and } \int_{-\infty}^0 g(\theta)\|\varphi(\theta)\| d \theta<+\infty\right\}. $$ Then, we set $$ \|\varphi\|_{\mathcal{B}_{g}}=\int_{-\infty}^0 g(\theta)\|\varphi(\theta)\| d \theta, \text { for all } \varphi \in \mathcal{B}_{g}. $$ where $g:(-\infty,0]\longrightarrow (0,+\infty)$ is a continuous function such that $\rho=\displaystyle\int_{-\infty}^{0}g(s)ds<+\infty.$ I made every effort to demonstrate the completeness of the space $\mathcal{B}_{g}$. However, I encountered a significant challenge when attempting to prove that the restriction of the limit of the Cauchy sequence, taken in $\mathcal{B}_{g}$, onto the interval $[-r,0]$, belongs to $\mathcal{PC}([-r,0],X)$. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or guidance, please.