Let $C$ be a model category given by generators and relations in the sense of Dugger (that is, $C$ is a left Bousfield localization of a global projective model model structure on simplicial presheaves on a small category $K$).
Does $C$ have a fibrate replacement functor that preserves finite limits?
As far as I understand, in the case when $C$ is just the category of simplicial presheaves, then the functor $[K^\mathrm{op}, \mathrm{Ex}^{\infty}] \colon[K^\mathrm{op}, \mathrm{sSet}] \to [K^\mathrm{op}, \mathrm{sSet}]$ is the desired one (and it also has other remarkable properties).
But in the case of localization, I have so far only found a mention that there is something about ∞-stackification in HTT 6.5.3 and viewing it has not helped me yet.