Consider the absolute Galois group $G_{\mathbb{Q}} := \mathrm{Aut}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$.
As I understand it, the only torsion elements have order $2$ (by Artin-Schreier), and they are all conjugate.
My questions concern the structure of this conjugacy class.
What is the subgroup generated by all involutions ?
How do the (largest) elementary abelian $2$-subgroups of $G_{\mathbb{Q}}$ look like ?
If we do not accept the Axiom of Choice, does the Artin-Schreier result still apply, as well as the answers on the aforementioned questions ? (In this case, I define $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ as the usual countable algebraic closure of $\mathbb{Q}$ inside $\mathbb{C}$.)