Let $G$ be a locally compact group with modular function $\delta_G$ and consider $\mathcal{K}(G)$, the set of compactly supported continuous functions $G\to \mathbb{C}$, with the $*$-algebra structure given by $$(\xi\eta)(s) = \int_G \xi(t)\eta(t^{-1})dt, \quad \xi^\sharp(s) = \delta_G(s^{-1})\overline{\xi(s^{-1})}.$$ This $*$-algebra becomes a left Hilbert algebra for the inner product on $L^2(G)$ (w.r.t. left Haar measure) by viewing $\mathcal{K}(G)\subseteq L^2(G)$.
Consider now the following fragment from Takesaki's book "Theory of operator algebras II":
Two questions:
(1) Is $\Delta_G$ the modular operator associated with the left Hilbert algebra $\mathcal{K}(G)$? I.e. is $\Delta_G = S^*S$ where $S$ is the closure of the involution $\sharp$?
(2) To be a Tomita algebra, we must have that $\Delta_G^\alpha$ maps $\mathcal{K}(G)$ into itself. Why is this the case?
Thanks in advance for your help!