I work with the category of $\Delta$-generated spaces. I call reparametrization category a small strict semimonoidal topologically enriched category $(\mathcal{P},\otimes)$ such that $\mathcal{P}(\ell,\ell')$ is contractible for all objects $\ell,\ell'$ and such that for all maps $\phi:\ell\to \ell'$, and all $\ell'_1,\ell'_2$ such that $\ell'_1\otimes \ell'_2=\ell'$, there exist $\phi_1:\ell_1\to \ell'_1$ and $\phi_2:\ell_2\to \ell'_2$ such that $\phi=\phi_1\otimes \phi_2$.
I work with three reparametrization categories: the terminal category, and $\mathcal{G}$ and $\mathcal{M}$ defined as follows. The semigroup of objects is $(]0,+\infty[,+)$, $\mathcal{G}(\ell,\ell')$ is the space of nondecreasing homeomorphisms from $[0,\ell]$ to $[0,\ell']$ and $\mathcal{M}(\ell,\ell')$ is the space of nondecreasing surjective maps from $[0,\ell]$ to $[0,\ell']$.
I wonder to what extend $\mathcal{G}$ and $\mathcal{M}$ could be considered as cofibrant replacements of the terminal category. Hence the following question:
I wonder what kind of model structure could be put on the category of small strict semimonoidal topologically enriched categories. I am a bit lost in the literature about this kind of subject.
This notion is introduced in Homotopy theory of Moore flows (I) (Definition 4.3).