I was reading these short notes on the Borel functional calculus where the author discusses the uniqueness property of this calculus for both bounded and unbounded self-adjoint operators.
When it comes to unbounded self-adjoint operators, the proof goes like this. Suppose $\phi_{1}$ and $\phi_{2}$ are both $*$-homomorphisms satisfying the properties of the Borel functional calculus, and let: $$\mathcal{A} = \{f \in B_{b}(\mathbb{R}): \phi_{1}(f) = \phi_{2}(f)\}.$$ Using the terminology of the linked text, this is a subalgebra of $B_{b}(\mathbb{R})$, the space of complex-valued bounded measurable functions on $\mathbb{R}$, which is closed under pointwise limits of uniformly bounded sequences.
In the end of the text, the author states the following, concerning uniqueness for the Borel functional calculus for unbounded self-adjoint operators:
Uniqueness of the calculus is clear on the resolvent functions $r_{z}(x) = 1/(x-z)$ and finite linear combinations of those. Then Weierstrass theorem allows to extend the calculus uniquely to $C_{0}(\mathbb{R}) = \{f \in C(\mathbb{R}): \lim_{|x|\to \infty}f(x)\}$. After that, extend the calculus to $C_{b}(\mathbb{R})$ by approximating $f(x) = \lim_{n\to \infty}1_{|x|\le n}f(x)$ and using property (4). [...]
I really do not get the last statement. Suppose the Borel functional calculus is unique on $C_{0}(\mathbb{R})$, that is, $C_{0}(\mathbb{R}) \subset \mathcal{A}$. If $f \in C_{b}(\mathbb{R})$ (the space of bounded continuous complex-valued functions on $\mathbb{R}$), then $1_{|x|\le n}f$ is measurable and bounded, satisfies $\lim_{|x|\to \infty}1_{|x|\le n}f(x) = 0$ but it is not continuous, so it does not belong to $C_{0}(\mathbb{R})$. Hence, how can one conclude that $\phi_{1}(f) = \phi_{2}(f)$ if we only proved these agree on $C_{0}(\mathbb{R})$?