Let $W$ be a Brownian motion and consider the SDE
$$dX_t = b(t,X_t) \, dt + a(t,X_t)\,dW_t,\quad \forall t\ge 0. \tag{$\ast$} $$
Assume that $x\mapsto b(t,x), a(t,x)$ are locally Lipschitz in $x$ uniformly in $t$, i.e. for any $T>0$ and $R>0$, there exists $L>0$ s.t.
$$|b(t,x)-b(t,y)|+ |a(t,x)-a(t,y)| \le L|x-y|,\quad \forall 0\le t\le T,~~ |x|, |y|\le R.$$
Then $(\ast)$ admits at most one solution $(X^{s,z})_{t\ge s}$ for any initial condition $X^{s,z}_s=z$. If $X^{0,0}_t\equiv 0$ is a solution to $(\ast)$, do we have
$$\mathbb P[X^{0,z}_t\neq 0, \forall t\ge 0]=1,\quad \forall z\neq 0 \text{?}$$
Any answer, comments and references are highly appreciated.