Suppose I know the Chern character of an object $F \in D^b(X)$, where $X$ is some smooth complex projective variety with a finite group $G = \mathbb{Z}/m$ acting on it. In $D^b([X/G]) \simeq D^b(X)^G$ where $[X/G]$ is the associated quotient stack, I can consider objects $F \otimes \chi_i$, where $\chi_i$ for $i=0, \dots, m-1$ are the irreducible representations of $G$.
Is there an easy way to compute the Chern character of $F \otimes \chi_i$? I suppose I'd have to work with something like Chen--Ruan cohomology? The paper Stringy K-theory and the Chern character of Jarvis--Kaufmann--Kimra also seems relevant.