A classic result, of Murray and Von Neumann I believe, is that if $\mathcal M\subseteq B(H)$ is a factor then the $*$-homomorphism $\pi : \mathcal M \odot \mathcal M' \rightarrow B(H)$ given by $\pi(x_1\otimes x_2) = x_1x_2$ on simple tensors is injective. On the other hand, if $A \subseteq B(H)$ is a commutative C*-algebra then this same multiplication map from $A\odot A \rightarrow B(H)$ is clearly not injective.
Question: For $A,B\in B(H)$ commuting C*-algebras, when is the multiplication map $A\odot B\rightarrow B(H)$ injective?
Are there any conditions on one or both of the C*-algebras that ensure this? E.g. $A$ simple? I've been looking but cannot find anything.