Let $Y=\Sigma(\alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{n})$ be a Seifert fibered homology 3-sphere, let $\pi:Y\to\Sigma$ denote the projection to the orbifold surface, and let $T\subset Y$ be the pre-image under $\pi$ of a small disk neighborhood of the singular point of order $\alpha_{i}$, which we identify with a standard fibered solid torus $T(\alpha_{i},p_{i})\cong S^{1}\times D^{2}$.
Here, $T(\alpha_{i},p_{i})$ is such that a regular fiber is identified with the subset $(t,e^{2\pi it p_{i}/\alpha_{i}}\cdot z)\subset S^{1}\times D^{2}$ for $z\in D^{2}\setminus\{0\}$, $p_{i}$ is such that $1\le p_{i}<\alpha_{i}$, $p_{i}\beta_{i}\equiv 1\pmod{\alpha_{i}}$, and $(b,(\alpha_{1},\beta_{1}),\dots,(\alpha_{n},\beta_{n}))$ are the Seifert invariants of $Y$, normalized so that $1\le \beta_{i}<\alpha_{i}$.
Now let $F_{i}\subset T(\alpha_{i},p_{i})$ denote the core of the Seifert fibered solid torus, corresponding to the exceptional fiber in $Y$ over the singular point of order $\alpha_{i}$ in $\Sigma$. Given this setup, we obtain a distinguished framing of $F_{i}$ given by $S^{1}\times \{z\}\subset S^{1}\times D^{2}\cong T(\alpha_{i},p_{i})$ for $z\in D^{2}\setminus\{0\}$, which we'll denote by $\lambda_{T}$. On the other hand, since $F_{i}$ is null-homologous there is also a canonical framing $\lambda_{S}$ of $F_{i}$ induced by any Seifert surface $S$ with $\partial S=F_{i}$.
My question is: how do the framings $\lambda_{T}$ and $\lambda_{S}$ compare? Furthermore, is the Seifert framing $\lambda_{S}$ determined locally by the tuple $(\alpha_{i},\beta_{i})$ corresponding to this fiber, or does it depend in an essential way on the global topology of $Y$? Thanks!