I have come across the following problem. Let $d\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $G$ be any $k$-regular connected directed graph with $n$ vertices, no parallel edges and no 2-cycles. For a vertex $v\in G$, let $e_v$ denote the union of $\{v\}$ and the end vertices of edges starting at $v$. I would like to assure that there are sequences of vertices $\{v_i\}_{i=1}^j$ and $\{v'_i\}_{i=1}^j$ for a graph $G$ such that $v_{i+1}\in S_i\cap e_{v'_{i+1}}$ where $S_0=G$ and $S_{i+1}=S_i\setminus e_{v'_{i+1}}$ with $$j\geq \frac{kn}{d}-C$$ for a constant $C>0$ that does not depend on the graph $G$. The problem would be to show that we can create sequences long enough. The constant $C$ depend only on $d$ and $k$ while the length of the sequences $j$ can vary for different graphs of this type.
I am only able to prove this for $k(k+1)\leq d$, but I do not think this is optimal. It is easy to see that for $k=1$ it is possible to have inequality with $d=1$ and $C=1$. I would like to know if there are similar theorems already proven or any insight that might help prove or disprove this conjecture.