I have asked the same question on math.SE, without much success so I'm trying my luck here too.
Let $M$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold, with $n$ even and consider the heat kernel of the Laplacian on $M$: $$K_M(t) := \mathrm{Tr}\Big(\mathrm{e}^{-t \Delta_M}\Big) \equiv \sum_{\lambda\in\mathrm{spec}(\Delta_M)} \mathrm{e}^{-t \lambda}.$$ The heat kernel admits an asympotic, small-$t$ expansion as $$K_M(t) = \frac{1}{(4\pi t)^{n/2}}\sum_{k=0}^\infty b_k^{(M)} t^k,$$ where $b_k^{(M)}$ are known as the heat kernel coefficients and are given by integrals of local geometric data of $M$.
I am particularly interested in what I'll call middle-dimensional heat kernel coefficient, namely $$ b_{n/2}^{(M)} = b_{\mathrm{dim}M/2}^{(M)}.$$ This coefficient is interesting because it is very closely related to the value of the Minakshisundaram-Pleijel zeta function (i.e. the spectral zeta function for the Laplacian) at zero.
Is an explicit formula for the calculation of $b_{n/2}^{(M)}$ known? In particular, is it a topological invariant? It seems to me that it wants to be related to the number of connected components of $M$ or to some (alternating?) sum of Betti numbers of $M$, but I haven't managed to show it.
If anyone feels brave, I'd be curious about how it generalizes to $p$-forms; namely what's the middle-dimensional heat kernel coefficient associated to the Laplacian, $\Delta_p = \mathrm{d}\delta + \delta \mathrm{d}$, acting on $p$-forms on $M$?