I know several specific variations of the domino tiling problem has been determined to be decidable or undecidable, such as the seed domino problem. I have a variation which I have not been able to find, but as I am not familiar with this subject, I thought someone here might know better.
Given a Wang tile $T=(T_N,T_E,T_S,T_W)$ with colors $\mathcal{C}$, each entry corresponds to the color in the north, east, south or west sides. Given two Wang tiles $T^{(1)},T^{(2)}$ that agree on opposite sides, their fusion would be gluing them on the side on which they agree. For example, if $T^{(1)}_N=T^{(2)}_S$, their fusion along South-North side is a new Wang tile
$$T^{(1)} \oplus_{SN} T^{(2)}=\Big( T^{(2)}_N, (T^{(2)}_E,T^{(1)}_E), T^{(1)}_S, (T^{(2)}_W,T^{(1)}_W) \Big),$$
over a different set of colors obviously. We can similarly define $T^{(1)}\oplus_{WE} T^{(2)}$ when they satisfy $T^{(1)}_E=T^{(2)}_W$. If we take a Wang tile set $\mathcal{T}$ with colors $\mathcal{C}$, we can obtain new Wang tiles sets
$$ \mathcal{T_1} = \big\{ T \oplus_{SN} T' : T,T' \in \mathcal{T}, T_N=T'_S \big\} $$ and
$$ \mathcal{T_2} = \big\{ T \oplus_{WE} T' : T,T' \in \mathcal{T}_1, T_E=T'_W \big\}. $$
$\mathcal{T}_2$ will again be a collection of Wang tiles over the new color set $\mathcal{C}\times \mathcal{C}$. I can consider two related questions:
- Does $\mathcal{T}_2$ tile the plane periodically?
- Does $\mathcal{T}_1$ tile the plane periodically?
Is it known whether question (1) being un\decidable imply question (2) is un\decidable? I am assuming that $\mathcal{T}_1$ tiles the plane.
This seems like a natural question to me, but I really have a bad intuition on the subject, so it may be obviously resolvable. I would be glad to find appropriate references, or even solutions.