Given symmetric monoidal $\infty$-categories $A, B, C$ and lax symmetric monoidal maps $F:A\to C$, $G:B\to C$, I am curious if the pullback (when I say pullback here I will really mean homotopy pullback) of $F$ along $G$ is necessarily lax symmetric monoidal in a natural way? The pullback is necessarily an $\infty$-operad still, but it doesn't seem immediately clear that one can still get cocartesian lifts of all morphisms, not just inert ones.
I am sort of curious if there is an $\infty$-cosmos (in the sense of Riehl-Verity) of symmetric monoidal $\infty$-categories with lax symmetric monoidal maps. If there were, one could just define it as cosmologically embedded in $\infty$-operads, full on the underlying simplicial categories. This would work if symmetric monoidal $\infty$-categories were stable under pullback along isofibrations in $\infty$-operads (which should be equivalent to the above question). I suspect this would be false, but I can't think of a counterexample.