
Given the Ramanujan theta function,

$$f(a,b) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty a^{n(n+1)/2} \; b^{n(n-1)/2}$$

Let $q = e^{2\pi i \tau}$ and assume $\tau = \sqrt{-d}$.

I. Degree 5

\begin{align} a &= q^{11/60}\;\frac{f(-q,-q^4)}{f(-q)} \,=\, q^{11/60}\, \prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac1{(1-q^{5n-2})(1-q^{5n-3})}\\ b &= q^{-1/60}\,\frac{f(-q^2,-q^3)}{f(-q)} = q^{-1/60}\prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac1{(1-q^{5n-1})(1-q^{5n-4})}\\ \end{align}

where $a,b$ surprisingly are radicals. They obey the nice relation,

$$a\,b^{11}-a^{11}\,b = 11a^6\,b^6 +1$$


$$\Big(\frac{b}{a}\Big)^5-\Big(\frac{a}{b}\Big)^5 = \frac1{(ab)^6}+11$$

The integer $60$ reflects the order of the icosahedron.

II. Degree 7

\begin{align} a &= -q^{61/168}\;\frac{f(-q,-q^6)}{f(-q^2)} = -q^{61/168}\prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(1-q^{7n-1})(1-q^{7n-6})(1-q^{7n})}{(1-q^{2n})}\\ b &= \,q^{13/168}\;\frac{f(-q^2,-q^5)}{f(-q^2)} \,=\; q^{13/168}\;\prod_{n=1}^\infty\frac{(1-q^{7n-2})(1-q^{7n-5})(1-q^{7n})}{(1-q^{2n})}\\ c &= q^{-11/168}\;\frac{f(-q^3,-q^4)}{f(-q^2)} = q^{-11/168}\,\prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(1-q^{7n-3})(1-q^{7n-4})(1-q^{7n})}{(1-q^{2n})}\\ \end{align}

where $a,b,c$ again are radicals. They obey,

$$a^3b+b^3c+c^3a = 0$$

and the integer $168$ reflects the order of the Klein quartic. (See also this post.)

III. Degree 9

\begin{align} a &= \;q^{5/9}\;\frac{f(-q,-q^8)}{f(-q^3)} = q^{5/9}\prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(1-q^{9n-1})(1-q^{9n-8})(1-q^{9n})}{(1-q^{3n})}\\ b &= \;q^{2/9}\;\frac{f(-q^2,-q^7)}{f(-q^3)} \,=\, q^{2/9}\prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(1-q^{9n-2})(1-q^{9n-7})(1-q^{9n})}{(1-q^{3n})}\\ c &= -q^{-1/9}\;\frac{f(-q^4,-q^5)}{f(-q^3)} = -q^{-1/9}\prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(1-q^{9n-4})(1-q^{9n-5})(1-q^{9n})}{(1-q^{3n})} \end{align}

where $a,b,c$ still are radicals. They now obey,

$$\color{blue}{a^2b+b^2c+c^2a = 0}$$ $$a^2c+b^2a+c^2b = 1$$

(Added later.) The first is equivalent to,

$$\frac{b}{a}+\frac{c}{b}+\frac{a}{c} = 0$$

so the ratio of the proper functions sum to zero which does not happen with the lower degrees. More on "Nonic Analogues of the Rogers-Ramanujan functions" (though they didn't affix the factor $q^{m/9}$ to make them into radicals).

IV. Degree 11

Studied by G. Andrews in 1975, the first of five has the form,


To make it a radical, I affixed a factor $q^{m/n}.\,$ I hoped it would involve $n = 660$ thus manifesting V. Arnold's trinities regarding PSL(2,5), PSL(2,7), and PSL(2,11) with orders $60, 168, 660$, but it was only $n = 264 = 11\times24$. (Sigh.)

V. Questions

  1. Is there anything else special about $a^2b+b^2c+c^2a = 0$?
  2. In what other contexts does it appear?
  • $\begingroup$ You may want to explain a bit what "where a,b surprisingly are radicals" means. $\endgroup$
    – Somos
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 21:38
  • $\begingroup$ @Somos I guess it is just a subjective remark. The numbers $q^{11/60}$ and $\frac{f(-q,\,-q^4)}{f(-q)}$ definitely don't look like radicals, but together become one. Same with $q^{61/168}$ and $\frac{f(-q,\,-q^6)}{f(-q^2)}$. Those are the unique powers of $q$ such that those Ramanujan theta quotients become radicals and I find it interesting, especially the high powers involved. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 2:44
  • $\begingroup$ Perhaps modular forms is the reason. Consult my answer to MSE 3132502. $\endgroup$
    – Somos
    Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 3:00
  • $\begingroup$ @Somos Very interesting answer! For $p=11$, I'm trying to get $q^{m/660}$ so I've just asked a question now. Kindly see MO438244. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 3:50

3 Answers 3


The questions are:

  1. Is there anything else special about $a^2b+b^2c+c^2a = 0$?
  2. In what other contexts does it appear?

For question 1, Given the $q$-series of degree $9$, $$ \frac ac=a^3-b^3,\quad\frac ba=b^3-c^3,\quad\frac cb=c^3-a^3 $$ which leads to the telescoping sum $$ \frac ac+\frac ba+\frac cb = 0 $$ as noticed already. Another feature is multi-section. Let $$ A := -q^{-1/9}\frac{f(-q^{1/3})}{f(-q^3)} = a + b + c $$ where $a,b,c$ form a 3-section of the $q$-series $A$.

For question 2, refer to L. E. Dickson, History of the Theory of Numbers, Volume II, Chapter XXI, section "Impossibility of $x^3+y^3=z^3$", pp. $545$-$550$. On page $546$ it states

$\quad$ J. A. Euler$^9$ noted that, if $\,p^3+q^3+r^3=0\,$ is possible, $\,x=p^2q,$ $y=q^2r,$ $z=r^2p\,$ satisfy $\,x/y+y/z+z/x=0\,$ or $\,x^2z+y^2x+z^2y=0.$

Something similar happens with the Klein quartic curve and the Fermat septic curve.


From the geometrical point of view, there is something special about the equation $$ F = a^2b + b^2c + c^2a - \lambda abc $$ for a varying parameter $\lambda$ (for which you have $\lambda=0$). Namely this equation defines a rational surface $X = \{F=0\}\subset \mathbb{P}^2_{a,b,c}\times \mathbb{P}^1_\lambda$ and, after resolving singularities, this surface admits an extremal semistable elliptic fibration $f\colon X \to \mathbb{P}^1_\lambda$ or, in other words, it is a rational elliptic fibration with only $I_n$ fibres and the fewest possible number of singular fibres (which are of type $I_9$, $I_1$, $I_1$, $I_1$ in this case).

The classification of extremal semistable rational elliptic fibrations is due to Beauville [1], and this example appears as the last entry in his table. In particular he obtains it as a quotient $X = \mathbb{C}\times\mathfrak{h} \, / \, \Gamma$ using the following subgroup of $\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$ $$ \Gamma = \Gamma_0(9)\cap\Gamma_0^0(3)=\left\{ \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c& d \end{pmatrix} \in \operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}) : \begin{matrix} a\equiv 1\mod 3 \\ c\equiv 0\mod 9 \end{matrix}\right\},$$ so there should be some way to make a link with modular forms via this description. (But I am not the person to explain it.)

[1] A. Beauville, Les familles stables de courbes elliptiques sur $\mathbb{P}^1$ admettant quarte fibres singulières. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 294 (1982), 657–660.


Thanks to those who answered. Doing more research, while browsing the book "Generic Polynomials" (thanks, Rouse!), in page 30 I saw the generic cubic for $C_3 = A_3$,

$$x^3 + m x^2 - (m + 3)x + 1 = 0$$

which has negative square discriminant $D = -(m^2+3m+9)^2,$ hence all roots $x_i$ are real. After some experimentation, if we define,

$$a = x_1^{1/3},\quad b = x_2^{1/3},\quad c = x_3^{1/3}$$

then we have,

$$\color{blue}{a^2b+b^2c+c^2a = 0}$$ $$a^2c+b^2a+c^2b \neq 0$$

so the correct order of roots $x_i$ of the generic cubic must be chosen. IF TRUE, this explains the properties below for levels $9, 13, 27$.

I. Level 9

The level $9$ theta quotients satisfy the cubic,


which, after minor change of variables, is just the generic cubic in disguise. With $u = \left(\frac{\eta(\tau)}{\eta(9\tau)}\right)^3$, the roots are,

$$x_1 = \frac{\eta(3\tau)}{\eta(\tau)} \left(\frac{\eta(3\tau)}{\eta(9\tau)}\right)^3 \left(\frac{q^{5/9}\,f(-q,-q^8)}{\quad f(-q^3)}\right)^3$$

$$x_2 = \frac{\eta(3\tau)}{\eta(\tau)} \left(\frac{\eta(3\tau)}{\eta(9\tau)}\right)^3 \left(\frac{q^{2/9}\,f(-q^2,-q^7)}{\quad f(-q^3)}\right)^3$$

$$x_3 = \frac{\eta(3\tau)}{\eta(\tau)} \left(\frac{\eta(3\tau)}{\eta(9\tau)}\right)^3 \left(\frac{-\,f(-q^4,-q^5)}{q^{1/9}\,f(-q^3)\;}\right)^3$$

with $f(a,b)$ the usual Ramanujan theta function. Taking their cube roots $\sqrt[3]{x_i}$, they then obey the equation in blue, a relation mentioned in the original post above.

II. Level 13

As discovered by Ramanujan, the level $13$ theta quotients satisfy the cubic,


which, after minor change of variables, is also the generic cubic in disguise. With $v = \left(\frac{\eta(\tau)}{\eta(13\tau)}\right)^2$, the roots are,

$$x_1 = \left(\frac{f(-q^2,-q^{11})}{f(-q,-q^{12})}\right) \left(\frac{f(-q^{10},-q^{3})}{f(-q^5,-q^{8})}\right)$$

$$x_2 = \frac{-1}{\,q}\left(\frac{f(-q^4,-q^{9})}{f(-q^2,-q^{11})}\right) \left(\frac{f(-q^{6},-q^{7})}{f(-q^3,-q^{10})}\right)$$

$$x_3 = \frac{1}{q^{-1}}\left(\frac{f(-q^8,-q^{5})}{f(-q^4,-q^{9})}\right) \left(\frac{f(-q^{12},-q)}{f(-q^6,-q^{7})}\right)$$

Taking their cube roots $\sqrt[3]{x_i}$, they obey the equation in blue.

III. Level 27

The Dyson Mod 27 Identities also apply, at least three of them. (Caveat: I changed the order in the Mathworld link.) Those satisfy the cubic,


which is just a variation for level 9 but with $w = \left(\frac{\eta(3\tau)}{\eta(27\tau)}\right)^3$. The roots are,

$$x_1 = \frac{\eta(9\tau)}{\eta(3\tau)} \left(\frac{\eta(\tau)}{\eta(27\tau)}\right)^3 \left(\frac{q^{2}\,f(-q^3,-q^{24})}{\quad f(-q)}\right)^3$$

$$x_2 = \frac{\eta(9\tau)}{\eta(3\tau)} \left(\frac{\eta(\tau)}{\eta(27\tau)}\right)^3 \left(\frac{q\,f(-q^6,-q^{21})}{\quad f(-q)}\right)^3$$

$$x_3 = \frac{\eta(9\tau)}{\eta(3\tau)} \left(\frac{\eta(\tau)}{\eta(27\tau)}\right)^3 \left(\frac{-\,f(-q^{12},-q^{15})}{f(-q)\;}\right)^3$$

Taking their cube roots $\sqrt[3]{x_i}$, they also obey the equation in blue. (I've ignored the fourth Dyson Mod 27 Identity, so a more satisfying relation is a quartic with coefficients determined by some eta quotient.)

IV. Conclusion

Just like the Klein quartic $a^3b+b^3c+c^3a$, it seems there is more to,

$$a^2b + b^2c+ c^2a = 0$$

than meets the eye. Does it have a name, so it is Internet searchable?


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