$\DeclareMathOperator\Spm{Spm}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$Let $T$ be the topos of $\Spm\mathbb{Q}_p$-rigid analytic spaces, $G$ an abstract group, and $\Hom(G,\SL_2)$ the sheaf which associates to an affinoid $X\in T$ with Tate algebra $A$ the set of continuous homomorphisms from $G$ to $\SL_2(A)$.
When $G$ is a finite group, generated by $r$ elements, the sheaf $\Hom(G,\SL_2)$ may be represented as a scheme by identifying it as being cut out from $\SL_2^r$ subject to the conditions coming from the relations of $G$.
Is there any obstruction to the representability of the same Hom sheaf when $G$ is infinite? I am particularly interested in the case when $G$ is profinite, and more precisely the absolute Galois group of the rationals.
Thanks in advance!