Consider tilings of the plane made out of rhombi of side 1 and either angles $\pi/10$ and $2\pi/5$ or angles $\pi/5$ and $3\pi/10$. If we give a certain orientation to the edges and respect that orientation in our tiling, then, as is well known, we must have a Penrose tiling.
It is not hard to show that a Penrose tiling cannot contain this sort of pattern:
(picture taken from
But what happens if we remove the orientation? Can we have that pattern (without the red arcs that show orientation, obviously) and extend it to a tiling of the entire plane by our two kinds of rhombi, preferrably keeping 10th-fold symmetry?
Obviously, such a tiling would have to be non-periodic, since a lattice cannot have 10th-fold symmetry.
(The fact a Spanish tiling company sells such a tiling ( makes me suspect one might exist, though something tells me they may not have actually extended it to all of $\mathbb{R}^2$.
EDIT: in order to avoid simple solutions, let us forbid tilings where only one of the two kinds of tiles is used outside a finite neighborhood.