Integer $n$ is Wieferich number if $2^{\phi(n)}-1 \equiv 0 \pmod {n^2}$.
Wieferich prime is Wieferich number with $n$ prime.
It is an open problem if there are infinitely many Wieferich primes and infinitely many non-Wieferich primes.
In OEIS Wieferich numbers are A077816.
Comment in OEIS claims:
If there are finitely many Wieferich primes (A001220), this sequence is finite.
Let WP denote Wieferich prime and NWN denote non-Wieferich number.
It is unconditionally known that there are infinitely many non-Wieferich numbers with unbounded largest prime factor.
From now on assume there are only finitely many non-Wieferich primes and almost all primes are WP.
Let $p_i$ be distinct WPs. Then $n=\prod p_i$ is Wieferich number at it is not NWN.
Q1 Are there only finitely many squarefree NWNs?
Q2 What other properties NWNs have?
A guess:
Q3 Must the smallest prime factor of the NWNs be bounded?
Addedd Initially we asked about the largest prime factor, but Will Sawin disproved this and Q1 in a comment.