It cannot be for any planar triangulation. Say we have a triangle with vertices $x, y, z$ and $xy$ is the longest edge.
Consider a run of Prim’s MST algorithm which at each step adds an edge to a growing tree if it is minimum length among all those edges that have exactly one endpoint already in the tree.
Say without loss of generality that $x$ is added to the tree before $y$. If $xy$ gets added to the tree at some step, then it is minimum weight among all edges with exactly one endpoint in the tree.
Because it is longer than $xz$, this means that $z$ must already be in the tree, otherwise we would have chosen to add $xz$ instead since it’s shorter than $xy$.
But if $z$ is already in the tree, then at this step we would choose to add $zy$ over $xy$ because it is shorter.
Thus it’s impossible that we add $xy$ at any step of the algorithm, so it’s not in the MST.