Let $(\mu_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of a measures. We know, by the Portmanteau Theorem, that: $$\int f d \mu_n \to \int f d\mu, \quad \forall \, f \in C_b \hbox{(class of continuous and bounded function)}$$ is equivalent to $\mu_n(E) \to \mu(E)$, for all $E \in \mathcal{C}_\mu$, class of continuity sets of $\mu$.
Now, I want show that
\begin{equation}\label{I}\tag{I} \int f d \mu_n \to \int f d\mu, \quad \forall \, f \in C_{b}, \hbox{ vanishing on a neighborhood of } 0 \end{equation}
is equivalent to
\begin{equation}\label{II}\tag{II} \mu_n(E) \to \mu(E), \quad E \in \mathcal{C}_{\mu}, \,\, 0 \notin \bar{E} \end{equation} where $\bar{E}$ denotes the closure of $E$.
Is this equivalence true?
Let's try to give a stretch of proof of (\ref{II}) implies (\ref{I}). The converse was given in Jochen Wengenroth's answer.
Assume (\ref{II}) is valid and let any fixed $f \in \mathcal{C}_b$ vanishing on a neighborhood of $0$. Denote such neighborhood as $V_f$. Define for all $E \in \mathcal{C}_\mu$: $$\nu(E) := \mu(E \cap V_f^c),\quad \nu_n(E) := \mu_n(E \cap V_f^c)$$ Since $0 \notin \overline{E \cap V_f^c}$ and $E \cap V_f^c \in \mathcal{C}_\mu$, using (\ref{II}), we have that $\nu_n(E) \to \nu(E)$, as $n \to \infty$ for all $E \in \mathcal C_\nu = \mathcal C_\mu$. By the Portmanteau Theorem, we have that $$\int \bar f \chi_{V_f^c} d \mu_n = \int \bar f d \nu_n \to \int \bar f d \nu = \int \bar f \chi_{V_f^c} d \mu , \quad \bar f \in \mathcal C_b$$
So taking any $\bar f \in \mathcal C_b$ such that $\bar f|_{V_f^c} \equiv f|_{V_f^c}$, we have that $\bar f \chi_{V_f^c}= f$. This shows (\ref{I}) for $f$.