Let $v_1, ..., v_n$ be distinct points in $\{0,1\}^d$ with the same norm $\|v_i\|_2=k$ (i.e each $v_i$ has $k$ ones). Let $A=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n v_i$ be their average, and let $C$ be the center of their minimum enclosing ball. Assume $n \gg d > k$.
What is a good upper bound for $\|A-C\|_2$ in terms of $d,k,n$?
Since $A$ is in the minimum enclosing ball, $\|A-C\|$ is at most the radius of that ball, which has diameter at most $\sqrt{2k}$. So by Jung's theorem, the radius of that ball and $\|A-C\|$ are both at most $\sqrt{2k}\sqrt{\frac{d}{2(d+1)}}=\sqrt{\frac{kd}{d+1}}$.
Can we get a better bound using $n$?