To answer your question, the following Lengart's inequality is useful: (Please refer to
S. W. He et al., Semimartingale Theory and Stochastic Calculus, Sci. Press and CRC(1992), p.239, Theorem 9.23.)
Theorem Let $ X $ be an adapted cadlag process, dominated by an predictable process $ A $. Then for arbitrary constants $C>0, d>0$, stopping time $ T $ and measurable
set $ H $ we have
\mathsf{P}(H\cap [X^\ast_T\ge C])\le \frac{1}{C}\mathsf{E}[A_T\wedge d]+
\mathsf{P}(H\cap [A_T\ge d]). \tag{1}
Hence for the continuous time martingale $M$(if $ M $ is also a locally square integrable martingale), $M^2$ is dominated by its pridictable quadratic variation $ \langle M \rangle $. Using (1) for $ H=E $, it follows
\mathsf{P}(E\cap [M^{\ast2}_T\ge C])&\le \frac{1}{C}\mathsf{E}[\langle M \rangle_T\wedge d]+
\mathsf{P}(H\cap [\langle M \rangle_T\ge d])\\
& = \frac{1}{C}\mathsf{E}[\langle M \rangle_T\wedge d] \le \frac{d}{C}, \quad
\forall C>0, d>0.
Now let $d\downarrow0$ to get
\mathsf{P}(E\cap [M^{\ast2}_T\ge C])=0, \qquad \forall C>0.
Further more letting $ C\downarrow 0 $ to get that $ M=0 $ almost surely on $ E $.