Let $\rho:B_n \rightarrow H_2(\overline{C_2 P_n})$ denote the Lawrence–Krammer representation of the braid group on $n$ symbols. The group $H_2(\overline{C_2 P_n})$ is a free $\mathbb{Z}[q,t]$-module of rank $\binom{n}{2}$. The braid group admits a surjective map to the symmetric group on $n$ symbols via “shrinking” or ignoring the braids, the “time” direction. There is an “unlabeling” action of $\Sigma_n$ on a complete (weighted) graph, or network, of dimension $\binom{n}{2}$.
Q: Is there a sense in which this L–K representation quantizes the unlabeling action on the moduli space of networks in the limit as $q \rightarrow 1$ and $t \rightarrow 1$?